The Prostats Feature is here!
It has taken a while to get here, but finally we are releasing our Analytics feature to query the full RatingTheRaces database.
We don’t need to oversell this feature. We love it. No specialist software required, run it directly in your browser. In fact we have some blog posts built entirely of images generated from this feature.
It is also just the start of a longer development road for our professional membership level. In fact I made a video for this feature 2 days ago and since then it has already received 2 upgrades. With a further 2 upgrades expected next weekend. See the video to get a taste of what you can do with this feature as of today.
How Can I Sign Up?
Easy and it takes just a few minutes. After this you will be able to access tomorrow’s WebRatings. We also hope to have the remaining days ratings available at between 2pm and 4pm the day before racing!
You can sign up on the membership page.
Sign up for a Professional membership to gain access to this exciting new feature!
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