So we now have the additional functionality of the RatingTheRaces toolkit. This development only works with the spreadsheet Ratings. It will be significantly harder to produce for the web ratings. But we will get there, I am sure (we have a few bigger fish to fry first.) So both the Toolkit and an instruction video are now available on the premium content page for Premium members only .
So what does the toolkit do, I hear you ask?
Ability to add notes to horses that have run in a NagMe sheet
Ability to remove NagMe selections
Ability to check NagMe selections
Check every single days ratings for previous NagMe horses
Ability to export your NagMe selections for sharing and collaborating in the RTR forum
Ability to make daily selections in the sheet
Ability to remove daily selections in the sheet
Ability to export daily selections, ideal for posting to the RTR forum
Here is a quick video demonstrating the functionality:
Ps. Select to watch it in 720p resolution:
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