Very simple! Using our ratings and one very easy filter!

It is always interesting to see members of ours make profit and how they go about it. There are various methods out there some focusing on types or races, some focusing on distances, some using our ratings to filter out their own statistically weak selections. But it can be much simpler than that.

With the simple filter of RatingTheRaces Top Rated (RTR1) and price >= 10.0 XSP (exchange starting price.) So far this month it has produced 92.49 points profit to level stakes. I know there are a fair few members out there following this system. It’s great they are having a good month!

Now this is an exceptional performance for this extremely simple system, but like all systems that focus on bigger priced winners you have to have patience. In the case of this year, really good patience as it has roughly 6 months of flat performance. See below:

Long term profits do require patience. Itā€™s a tough truth and the primary reason that most punterā€™s fail to make a profit. With the Jumps season on our door step our historic data tells me this system should start to perform even better!

For comparison here is what happens if you back every horse bigger than or equal to 10.0 XSP who is NOT our Top Rated horse for that race:

I could show you that lot as a graph, but you get the idea.

So what are you waiting forā€¦ sign up here to start making informed decisions about your betting!

How Can I Sign Up?

Easy and it takes just a few minutes. After this you will be able to access tomorrow’s WebRatings. We also hope to have the remaining days ratings available at between 2pm and 4pm the day before racing!

You can sign up on the membershipĀ page.