A more detailed look into ProStats!

On the 01st of December this year we released ProStats for our professional membership level and the feedback has been very good indeed. The first thing you will notice about this blog is the reference to this being version 1.0 and this is because we are expecting a few upgrades very soon. In fact we may even get a couple drop for the beginning of this week.

So enough about how this feature is going to evolve, let’s take a quick dive into the current functionality with these 5 videos.

Group by

Currently we can group by:

AllCourseExchange SP
Value %Distance (F)Race Type
GoingAge RangeSurface

Data Filter by

Currently we can data filter by:

Exchange SPAge RangeSire
Value %SurfaceRTR Rank
Distance (F)HandicapDate Range
Race TypeTrainer

Table Filters by

This enables us to filter by:

RunsFilter by Runs to remove rows with too little data
Strike RateFilter by Runs to remove rows with too little data
XSP P&LEnables you to remove rows of data that does not meet profitability to Exchange Starting Price
XSP ROIEnables you to remove rows of data that does not meet return on investment criteria
ISP P&LEnables you to remove rows of data that does not meet profitability to Industry Starting Price
ISP ROIEnables you to remove rows of data that does not meet return on investment criteria, this time relating the Industry Starting Price.

Table Sort by

This enables us to sort data in the table by:

Group by field – Example would be sorting the runs by distance if distance was your “Group By” field
Non Runs
Strike Rate
Average Price (XSP)

Graphing & exporting

Visually a graph can tell you a hell of a lot, but ours also has a few additions:

Ability to create graphs, by individual rows of a data table
Ability to create a graph for all rows in a data table
Export as CSV
Export as Image (JPEG)
Navigate to individual run through interactive graphs.

How Can I Sign Up?

Easy and it takes just a few minutes. After this you will be able to access tomorrow’s WebRatings. We also hope to have the remaining days ratings available at between 2pm and 4pm the day before racing!

You can sign up on the membership page.

Sign up for a Professional membership to gain access to this exciting new feature!