iOS and Android Instructions

2019-05-02T12:55:26+01:00September 26th, 2013|

Did you know you can view our ratings and top tips on your mobile phone and/or tablet devices?

In order to view our ratings and top tips you must however have two applications installed on your mobile phone and/or tablet devices.

The applications which we recommend to use are both 100% FREE.


If you have an Android device then please download and install the following two applications.

Adobe Reader:

Kingston Office:


If you have an iOS (Apple) device then please download and install the following two applications:

Adobe Reader:

Kingston Office:


Once you have downloaded and installed the recommended applications you will be able to view our ratings and top tips as if you were […]

RatingTheRaces FREE RATINGS Sharing

2017-07-15T12:02:08+01:00March 6th, 2013|

Hello All,

You will have noticed that RatingTheRaces has implemented the use of a share function for free members to access the RatingTheRaces ratings.


First of all I would like to tell you why this has been implemented. You will notice that this function was brought in at the same time as the release of the highly regarded RatingTheRaces ratings version 3.0, the reason for this was two fold.


1. When distributing free content we have found multiple other tipsters using the spreadsheets to aid in their selections, we do not mind such services doing so, they are FREE on these days to everyone, however we feel by sharing our message such tipsters […]